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Bridging Skills for Sustainable, Ecological and Digital Transformation

Alumni 2015/2016

SOUTO SOUZA Patricia Gabriela

My work experience was accumulated in international business and foreign commerce areas having initiated in 2008. Moving from telecommunication industry to insurance and reinsurance markets with an International Relations background and an MBA in International Trade and Foreign Business, in 2014 I joined a terrific group in an internship for 5 months at the Brazilian Institute of Studies of China, Asia and the Pacific IBECAP, located at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. At this time I took part in studies and projects regarding the cooperation relations between Brazil and China, as well as among the Portuguese speaking countries in the world and world´s geopolitics forums. I consider Mesci Master a unique opportunity to achieve my goals of contributing to sustainable development projects, cooperating to a more equal world where we all can meet our basic needs and have access to good education and prosperity.