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Bridging Skills for Sustainable, Ecological and Digital Transformation

Alumni 2015/2016

DIAB Hamza

Hamza Diab, born in Damascus, Syria, he got his bachelor degree in architecture from Damascus university late in 2011. After graduating he moved to Lebanon and worked for private architecture firm. meanwhile the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East and Syria in particular turned his focus to aid works. So he started working for the international non-governmental organization "Save the Children" supporting the shelter team. In 2014 he joined mundus urbano program and studied the first year of the master in TU Darmstadt, Germany. His Interest in sustainable development and its challenges has influenced his decision and motivate him to start studying "development economics and international cooperation" in tor vergata university in Rome. He is focusing in his studies on innovative economic political solutions which is needed to improve living conditions for people live in cities or rural areas, taking into consideration the environmental aspect.