Alumni 2013/2014
I studied Civil Engineering at the EAFIT University in Medellin, Colombia. Duringthe time at university, I was a volunteerforfouryears in the NGO Opción Colombia in thepreparation and formulation of inter-institutionalprojects, and didaninternship as anon-siteadvisorforthe office of planning and publicworks, in a smallmunicipality of theeasternregion of Colombia. Aftergraduating, I worked in thehousingconstruction sector in Colombia. In 2005, I won a scholarshiptostudy a Master in Construction Management in Madrid. Aftercompletingtheprogram I workedduringsix yearsondifferentpublicprojects in Spain: social housingforthemunicipality of Madrid, buildings of the International Exposition 2008 in Zaragoza, and theconstruction, in Barcelona, of a stretch of thehighspeedrailway line linking Madrid tothe French border. During these six years of professional development, I learned a great deal about planning, management, control and execution procedures, but undoubtedly the greatest benefit of it was acquiring a global perspective on how to design, structure and carry out complex infrastructure projects. However I was always interested to apply my experience in a development context. Then, as I needed to enhance my profile with a solid background in social, political and economic sciences applied to urban studies, I joined to the Erasmus Mundus programme “International cooperation and Urban Development”, doing a first year of Urban development in Germany and choosing MESCI as my second year, looking for a global and multidisciplinary approach of the development economic in the global south.