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Bridging Skills for Sustainable, Ecological and Digital Transformation

Alumni 2013/2014

MEDINA ESCUDERO Daniela Carolina

My name is Daniela, I come from Ecuador, and my field of studies is business and international relations (LEAI). After I graduated from “Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador” I was working in couple of Ministries of my country where I had the opportunity to collaborate in international cooperation projects andwith some United Nations Agencies.Based on that experience,I realized that my interest is in development and that international cooperation is a powerful tool that can help countries to develop, not only for the opportunity to receive financial assistance, but also the advantage of exchanging information and knowledge which gives countries the possibility to learn and help each other.In think that MESCI will help me to acquiretools, skills and competences to be part of the international cooperation world, with a multidisciplinary and multicultural perspective.