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Bridging Skills for Sustainable, Ecological and Digital Transformation

Alumni 2013/2014


I am Antonio Angelino, 25 years old from Naples. I have a Master's degree in International Relations and Policies at the University of Naples L'Orientale. In the course of recent years I have focused my attention on the analysis of new Asian emerging economies. In this regard, I had the opportunity to stress such field of research at the department of Asian Studies of the Humboldt University of Berlin. Then, I completed my MA thesis in International Political Economy, concerning the dynamics of Malaysian economic development and industrial policies. At the same time, I attended a specialization school in Bologna aimed to train experts for SMEs internalization in Chinese market. My recent working experiences have been characterized by a strong committment within social inclusion issues, such as migration. I was involved into two internships at the Immigration Office of the Prefecture of Naples and at the Immigrant Council of Ireland in Dublin. I decided to join MESCI because I think it will be an important chance to enhance my skills by facing development topics from a technical and economic approach.