Alumni 2012/2013
SCOLARI Federica
My name is Federica and I come from Arezzo, a town in the heart of Toscany. I graduated in Political Science at the University of Florence. During my studies, I focused on many issues: international relations, international law and human rights. In particular, my final dissertation, written on International Humanitarian Law, dealt with the legal status of private contractors and about the state’s responsibility for acts committed by private companies. After graduating from university, I did a three month internship at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was a very fascinating experience, which enable me to see how Italian diplomacy works. I am applying to do Mesci for many reasons: first of all, after having specialized in International Law, I would like to improve my knowledge in economical science. Second, thanks to Mesci I could learn more about developing countries and the causes of poverty. Furthermore, I think there is a strong connection between economic development and political situation, the creation of democratic institution and growth, democracy and equality. Studying development and cooperation therefore means working towards democracy and equality. Finally, I would like to specialize in some economic issues, such as micro-finance and micro-credit, because I think that encouraging access credit is one of the best ways to help set up new economic activities and expand the local markets.