Alumni 2012/2013
PETON Thierry Mohamed
I am 27 years old, from Senegal (West Africa). I have a degree in Business Administration from the “Bordeaux Ecole de Management”. I’ve been working for the past 2 years in the Senegalese private sector as Junior Manager in a business services company. My interest in Development Economics grew from my professional experience. By being in contact with the many NGOs and International Organisations upon our client portfolio (UNOWA, UNOPS, UNAID, Childfund Senegal, Save the Children…) I started realizing the importance of their actions in under-developed countries and especially in rural areas. I then decided to give another perspective to my career by getting involved with these organisations. When moving to Rome last summer for familiar reasons I decided to join Mesci to have a better understanding of development economics in order to fulfill my new professional goals.