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Bridging Skills for Sustainable, Ecological and Digital Transformation

Alumni 2009/2010


I come from the Southern Italy, Puglia, and I have a degree in Philosophy summa cum laude. My degree thesis was focused on the GMO in Agriculture and their impact on Biodiversity, examined from a bioethical and bio – political point of view. After completing my University studies, I went on my research on GMO and took part in some seminars hold at my University.
In addition to this, I have also acquired an important experience working into the Congresses and Meetings Management and Corporate Languages Education Services, as well as Free Lance Radio Journalist during my studies. The last job position was as Export Manager in a food Company, where I gained valuable experience in analyzing possible scenarios and foreign countries market possibilities for the Company expansion, coordinating country area representatives, international contracts drafting, as well as International Trade Fairs preparation.
My decision to join the MESCI is due to the aim of combining my managing experience with my previous research activity, pursuing the dream of giving useful contribution to the Biodiversity preservation, as it is being lost at an alarming rate, despite the fact that it is essential to the world’s food production and, in many developing countries, preserving Biodiversity means saving local rural agricultural economies, which are a key figure to tackle the poverty and the hunger problem in the world.