Teaching Staff
Pocaterra Chiara
Chiara Pocaterra is an economist with a MSc degree in Innovation and Project Management (University of Bologna) in. She joined APRE (Agency for the Promotion of European Research) at the beginning of 2004 focusing on project management, communication and exploitation of research results. She is leading the APRE Projects Department (in charge of more than 20 people) since 2018 with the aim to assure APRE’s successful implementation of Framework Programme funded projects. The Department is built upon three Units: Management, Proposal Writing and Valorisation of APRE’s projects results.
Chiara Pocaterra has been acting as a trainer in project management and EU proposals writing for a number of courses and master classes since 2005. She is the Coordinator of the HORIZON EUROPE GenB (starting on 01/11/2022) and the HORIZON 2020 projects BIOVOICES (successfully concluded in 2021) and Transition2Bio (running until the end of 2022) supporting the promotion, education and communication of Bioeconomy while addressing challenges and opportunities and engaging the stakeholder quadruple helix.
Chiara Pocaterra is one of the two authors of the book for kids “What’s Bioeconomy” published in 2021 and translated in twelve EU languages. She was nominated by the Italian Ministry of Research as National Contact Point for "Secure, clean and efficient energy" and "Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy" Societal Challenges and EURATOM in HORIZON 2020 and for the same areas in the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). She has lead the European Networks of the Energy NCPs 'C-ENERGY 2020' and 'C-ENERGY' respectively during HORIZON 2020 and FP7.