MESCI Students
Ingado Onjira Phoebe Pauline
Phoebe Pauline Ingado Onjira is a water resources engineer with extensive experience in surface water hydrology and water resource management. She holds a Master's degree in Disaster Management (Water-Related Hazards) from the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo and a Bachelor's in Water Engineering from Kenyatta University, Kenya.
Currently, she works as a Scientific Researcher at the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG), as an internal coordinator for the DANUBIUS-RI project, and conducts research on sediment transport and morphodynamics. She has previously worked on several water and flood management projectsin Kenya, including the Kenya Water Security and Climate Resilience Project, Western Kenya Community-Driven Development and Flood Mitigation Project, and led emergency water supply project within Dadaab Refugee Camp.
Phoebe is interested in addressing the complexities of water resources in the context of climate change and global challenges. She would like to explore the socioeconomic dynamics that influence resource access, distribution, and use, with a focus on improving resilience and understanding how global and local factors impact equitable access of resource and the resilience of vulnerable communities & systems.