Alumni 2022/2023
Picarazzi Francesco
Hi, Welcome everybody! I’m Francesco and i have 31 y.o. born and raised in Rome.
Recently i’m graduated in Economic Science at La Sapienza University, the principal focus on my Master Thesis was the, positive and negative, implications of full employment reguards on macroeconomics and macroeconometrics analysis whith impact on international trade and social development.
I decided to enroll in this master because the tematics and fields are very near my Master thesis, and i I wish to deepen my already acquired knowledge to work in international cooperation to try to help all people and institution in PVS to create a new world, more equitable and just.
I believe that this program will provide me with practical, analytical and quantitative tools, necessary to understand and evaluate the dynamics of specific fields like macro and micro economics, whiout forget the empiracal aspect like econometrics.
All together I am sure that it will allow me to start my professional path in the field of development and cooperation and to be part of a necessary change for a better world.
I am infinitely grateful to the University of Tor Vergata for giving me this opportunity.