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Bridging Skills for Sustainable, Ecological and Digital Transformation

Alumni 2021/2022

IZZO Enrico

My name is Enrico and I graduated from the University of Tor Vergata with a Master of Science in Business Administration. Working at the European Commission in Brussels, I began to enter the field of development and international cooperation at DG INTPA (Directorate Generale for International Partnerships). It was a unique experience that opened my path in this direction and now I collaborate to support humanitarian projects within the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. I started to nourish my passion for international affairs during my studies, attending a double bachelor’s degree in Italian and French, studying in Rome, Rio de Janeiro and Paris. I extended my time in Paris with an Erasmus Traineeship taking up the mission to fight food waste and implement a circular economy model working with the start-up Love Your Waste. 

All of these experiences add up to the will to dive deeper into the economics of development and cooperation, yearning to grasp a better understanding of approaches increasingly aimed at multidisciplinarity. I am hoping to complement these skills within the MESCI program, it’s lectures, activities and exchanges with professors and classmates, as well as to work on further softs skills within my work as a tutor.