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Bridging Skills for Sustainable, Ecological and Digital Transformation

Alumni 2021/2022


Hi, my name is Aaron Byrne. I am 24 years old and from Cork City in the Republic of Ireland. I received my Bachelor’s Degree in 2020 with a major in Marketing from Munster Technological University. During my undergraduate studies I embarked on the Erasmus program and studied In Utrecht, The Netherlands to complete my minor. This experience had a profound impact on me and led me to meet many like-minded individuals from a multicultural background.

During the Covid-19 Pandemic I began teaching English online during the lockdown. This led me onto working with refugees and asylum seekers from all across the globe and helping them improve their language skills. As a result of these experiences I found myself wanting to complete a master’s degrees in development studies.I chose to pursue MESCI as my master’s degree as I felt that this course could aid me inpursuing a career in the development industry while also allowing me to learn new many new skills whilst doing so. I am excited and greatly looking forward to see what the future and this year holds for me and my classmates!