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Bridging Skills for Sustainable, Ecological and Digital Transformation

Alumni 2020/2021


I am Alessia Salvagnin, I come from Padova. I recently obtained a master’s degree in Comparative International Relations from the Ca’ Foscari University in Venice. During my bachelor’s degree in the Chinese language, I completed a semester of study in Beijing. Through this I had the possibility to live an exchange experience with many people from different nationalities and cultural backgrounds. Moreover, I volunteered in a two-months English tutoring program in high-schools in Jakarta, arranged by Teach for Indonesia. My experiences abroad struck my interest in development economics, international cooperation and gave me a diverse, open way of thinking and a multi-cultural spirit mindset. Last, these past few months, due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, contributed strongly to my choice of applying here and motivated me further in pursuing my ambitions, invest in skills, and choosing a professional path that can promote development, social, and environmental sustainability in Italy and abroad.