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Bridging Skills for Sustainable, Ecological and Digital Transformation

Alumni 2020/2021

MOORE Kayley

It is with pleasure that I present myself as a student of the MESCI programme at Tor Vegata University. 

My name is Kayley Moore and I am originally from Auckland, New Zealand. It was in Auckland at AUT University that I completed my Bachelor of Business majoring in Accounting and Management, followed by a Graduate Diploma in Business.  I spent just over 7 years working in accounting, finance and banking and was working towards becoming a registered Chartered Accountant.

In 2013 I decided to travel the world and ended up basing myself in Rome, Italy where I began to work with Italian families and children mainly supporting and caring for children whilst teaching them English.  Coming from a family of 9 children myself, I have always been extremely fond of children and enthusiastic about their education, wellbeing, and rights.

Growing up in New Zealand and later travelling to other regions of the world, I realised how fortunate I am to be from a country that is not only economically developed but also has a small and manageable population meaning many benefits for those that live there including a great public healthcare system, free public education, government support for families and people who need it and a thriving ecosystem, and much more.

That being said, I thoroughly enjoy living in Europe due to the different cultures, languages and experiences I have here and would like to find a way to use the combination of skills and talents I have acquired over the years to have a positive impact on humanity and the world as a whole.

I am interested in many global issues in particular children and youth, education, gender, the environment and sustainability.  I enrolled in the MESCI to build on and expand my knowledge in these areas from some talented professors, whilst sharing thoughts and ideas with a range of international students from various backgrounds.  I am unsure of exactly what the future holds once my degree is complete, but I definitely have high aspirations!