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Bridging Skills for Sustainable, Ecological and Digital Transformation

Alumni 2020/2021


Being a human is given. But keeping our humanity is a choice.When I was a child, I admired kind people, when I was young I admired intelligent people; as I grow older I could understand that both are necessary for the sustainable development of human race.

I am Nicy who dropped my carrier as an engineer because my dream was not to lead a robotic life in technical side. My inspiration is combined effect of mother Teresa  as well as Sundar Pichai, present google LLC,CEO who belongs to southside of India. Yes. I am an Indian who believe "yetra viswam bavathi eka needam" (Where the world becomes a nest). International cooperation is necessary for the development of the society.I believe  that in India British, Portugese,French, Dutch etc brought social and economic welfare along with their rule during 18th century. Otherwise we may stay in poverty,illiteracy, untouchability of caste separation, sati and so on.Still we are using the dams, railway system, missionary  schools and hospitals what they built once. The British, by building a national infrastructure of rails and telegraphs and by ruling the country as a single unit, did bring relative peace and unity to India. They also increased India’s presence on the stage of global trade, which benefited some upper-class Indians.The British revised the legal system to promote justice for Indians regardless of class or caste.

Anyway I have completed my Master in power systems engineering from Anna University and got various opportunities as  engineer from different private companies iincluding United Arab Emirates.Nothing satisfied me as it was not at all my dream. Hence I planned to start a business in India. So that I can provide job opportunities to the people as my ultimate aim was to eradicate poverty by creating opportunities and to reduce unemployment.I have studied accounting for calculating profits,  goods and service taxes, salary payments to the employees.

Our electronics service business  is successful to some extend. We could provide jobs to few not to many..Still I wish further development as much as I can do.I felt like it is not my optimal efficiency. Hence I wanted to learn and acquire more knowledge from a royal developed nation like Italy through interaction experience and international exposure.I think if I plan to build a tall house of virtues I must lay deep foundations of humility.I choose Italy for studying master in Development Economics and International Cooperation. Because It's the right place where humility and nobility meet together.

There is a Chinese proverb "keep a green tree, oneday a singing bird will come" and Brazilian lyricist Paulo koelho said "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."

Here I am with a green tree of hopes, let me check whether Universe conspires in helping me to achieve.