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Bridging Skills for Sustainable, Ecological and Digital Transformation

Alumni 2020/2021


After studying International relations, development, and cooperation during my bachelor’s degree in Torino and Madrid, I studied Economic analysis during my master’s degree in Rome and then worked in Barcelona in a microfinance institution: Oportunitas. In Oportunitas I could use and develop analytical skills and using them to try to help needy people to reach the social inclusion through self-entrepreneurship, staying near their needs and helping them to set micro enterprise in a more efficient way.

Now I am ready to start a new challenge with the MESCI! I want to be able to merge even more economic knowledge with social issues and then contributing to find a solution to the problems of the economic development and creating a less unequal society. In particular, I want to be an active actor of the development of South of Italy, from were I come (I’m from Lecce’s province, at the very south-east of Italy). We will see if it will be possible, but I’m determined to do it!