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Bridging Skills for Sustainable, Ecological and Digital Transformation

Alumni 2017/2018

LUKAAYI Matthew William

Hi, I am Lukaayi Matthew William, from Kampala, Uganda. As a citizen of a low income state, I believe it is my duty to make a contribution towards economic development of low income nations.
Low income countries have lagged behind economically not because they lack resources but rather because in some instances, people have not effectively utilized these resources to generate wealth.
I am keen on pursuing the MESCI Masters in development economics and international cooperation to gain important knowledge and skills that I can transfer to people in developing economies hence empowering them to create wealth that they can use to improve their livelihoods.
Financially sound communities can make a significant contribution to economic development in low income countries. This can significantly reduce the income gap between wealthy nations and least developed countries.
Participation in the MESCI-program is a great opportunity for me to increase my economics knowledge, widen my vision and also learn about various cultures due to the multi-cultural composition of this master’s program.