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Bridging Skills for Sustainable, Ecological and Digital Transformation

Alumni 2010/2011

RAHMAN Fazlur A.K.M.

I am Fazlur Rahman from Bangladesh. My undergraduate degree was in Urban and Rural Planning from Khulna University, Bangladesh and I have completed MSc in International Cooperation and Urban Development from Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. I am working in Development Planning since 2005. I have worked in the societies that face tremendous challenges in terms of poverty and inequality and observed the internal determination of people to redress those imbalances. The strength of the people of these societies to fight against all odds for a better future increased my interest to study development problems and seeking solution of these problems. With the academic knowledge of MESCI, I will look forward to have a successful career which is aligned with an end of extreme poverty, reduce inequality and adverse impact of climate change.